For Prepositions and their Uses with Examples
What is a preposition?
Definition- preposition is an English Grammar Part of speech. A preposition may be a word, which links nouns, pronouns, or phrases to different words inside a sentence. Prepositions are sometimes short words, and that they are commonly placed directly ahead of nouns. Sometimes, you’ll notice prepositions ahead of verbal noun verbs. There are two vital rules to recollect when exploitation prepositions. because they are vague, learning about prepositions and exploitation them properly in sentences takes observe. because of translation is commonly not possible once addressing propositions, even the foremost advanced English students have the problem initially.
परिभाषा- पूर्वसर्ग भाषण का एक अंग्रेजी व्याकरण हिस्सा है। एक पूर्वसर्ग एक शब्द हो सकता है, जो संज्ञा, सर्वनाम या वाक्यांशों को एक वाक्य के अंदर विभिन्न शब्दों से जोड़ता है। प्रस्ताव कभी-कभी छोटे शब्द होते हैं, और वे आमतौर पर सीधे संज्ञा के आगे रखे जाते हैं। कभी-कभी, आप मौखिक संज्ञा क्रियाओं से पहले के प्रस्तावों को नोटिस करेंगे। शोषण के प्रस्ताव होने पर याद करने के दो महत्वपूर्ण नियम हैं। क्योंकि वे अस्पष्ट हैं, पूर्वसर्गों के बारे में सीखना और वाक्यों में उनका उचित रूप से शोषण करना। क्योंकि अनुवादों को आम तौर पर एक बार प्रस्तावों को संबोधित करना संभव नहीं होता है, यहां तक कि उन्नत अंग्रेजी के छात्रों को शुरू में समस्या होती है।
How to use of Prepositions The first rule is that certain propositions should be wont to create the relationships between words in an exceedingly sentence clear. Most prepositions are interchangeable however solely to a definite extent. Watch here For Prepositions and their Uses with Examples
Definitions of preposition
the preposition a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause, as in “the man on the platform,
Definition in Hindi : -Preposition वाक्य में ऐसा शब्द है जो सामान्यतया Noun/ Pronoun के पूर्व प्रयुक्त होता है एवं Noun/Pronoun का सम्बन्ध वाक्य में प्रयुक्त अन्य शब्दों से व्यक्त करता है
इस परिभाषा से Preposition के संबंध में निम्नलिखित दो बाते स्पष्ट होती है
१ Preposition का प्रयोग Noun या Pronoun से पूर्व होता है
२ यह Noun या Pronoun का संबंध वाक्य में अन्य वस्तु से व्यक्त करता है।
Proposition - Pre (पाहिले) Position (स्थित) अर्थात जो Noun या Pronoun के पाहिले प्रयुक्त होता है।
It’s different from English, too, because it puts the verb at the end of the sentence and uses postpositions instead of prepositions you can learn, how to use a preposition and a prepositional phrase.
What is a Proposition?
The word Preposition (as
For preposition examples
( i) The Preposition may join one noun to another.
Sheena was in the kitchen. (‘Sheena’ and ‘kitchen’)
(ii) It may join noun to a verb.
She slipped off the stairs. ‘ (‘ slipped’ and ‘stairs’
(iii) It may join noun to an adjective.
We are proud of our country. (‘proud ’ and ‘country’)
1. ‘At, in, on, of, off, through, below, with’ etc are prepositions.
2. The noun or pronoun used with the preposition is in the accusative case.
1. ‘At, in, on, of, off, through, below, with
2. The noun or pronoun used with the preposition is in the accusative case.
For preposition examples
(ii) I did not talk to him.
Here ‘table’ and‘ I have used him in the accusative case because they are words the objects of the preposition.
3. A Preposition sometimes may have over one object.
Here ‘table’ and
3. A Preposition sometimes may have over one object.
For preposition examples
(ii) Distribute the mangoes among the boys and the girls.
4. A clause can also be the object of a preposition.
For preposition examples
(i) I was pleased with what she did for me.
5. Adverbs of time and place can also be the object of a preposition.
For preposition examples
(i) I don’t like to go from here.
(ii) She had returned by then.
6. When verbsare placed after prepositions (other than ‘to’) they should be in the gerund form except when they are used in the infinitive form.
6. When verbs
For preposition examples
(i) I am confident of winning her love.
(ii) She does not believe in wasting time.
(iii) She insisted on going to Pune.
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appropriate prepositions for competitive-phases preposition |
Note:-हम ने प्रतियोगी की सुबिधाओ को देखते हुए कुछ महत्व पूर्ण Preposition को उन के use के हिसाब से ऊपर Image में दाल दिया है। जोकि बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है।
Prepositions before Particular Words
(A) Travel, movement
(a) From, to, at, in, by, on, into, onto, off, out, out of.
For preposition examples
We travel daily from Meerut to Delhi.
(b)) Arrive at/in, get to (reach).
For preposition examples.
( i ) They arrived in India in March.
(ii) I arrived at Patel Bridge.
(iii) I go to the Bus stand late.
(c) Home (Without preposition)
For preposition examples
home के साथ सीधा Preposition use नहीं होता है।
(i') They went home by bus. (Without Preposition)
(ii) She returned to her home late. (With Preposition)
(iii) He went to his home. (With Preposition)
(iii) He went to his home. (With Preposition)
(B) Above and over (a) ‘Above’, ‘over’ means. higher than
(b) But ‘over’ can also mean ‘covering on the other side of’, across, from one side to the other and in every part of the region.
Over का Use मुख्यतः ऊपर बिना छुए बाली बस्तुओ के लिए , किसी बस्तु को ढ़कने और क्षेत्र बताने के लिए कर सकते है /
For preposition examples
(i) We put a sheet over his body. (यहां over का प्रयोग ढकने के लिए हुआ है। )
(ii) There is a bridge over the river (यहां over का प्रयोग ऊपर बिना छुए के के लिए हुआ है। )
(iii) He has friends all over the world. (यहां over का प्रयोग क्षेत्र के लिए हुआ है। )
(iv) Diwali is celebrated all over India. (यहां over का प्रयोग ढकने के लिए हुआ है। )
(C) Under, below beneath
(C) Under, below beneath
Under, below और beneath इन सभी का अर्थ होता है नीचे
(a) ‘Below’, ‘under’, mean lower than, but ‘under’ can indicate contact.
For example
नीचे दिए गए उदाहरण से हमें ये मालुम (ज्ञात ) होता हे की कोई बस्तु किसी बस्तु के नीचे है
(i) She kept money under the bed. (यहाँ पैसे बिस्तर के नीचे है। )
(ii) The old man was crushed under the car.
(b) However, ‘below’ is used when there is a space between the two surfaces.
(b) However, ‘below’ is used when there is a space between the two surfaces.
under और below से ब्यक्ति की स्थित और पद को भी ब्यक्त कर सकते है।
For example They live below us. ‘ (We live above them )
He works under me
(c) ‘Under’ can mean junior in ranks.
For preposition examples
He is under me. (I am his superior, below doesn’t have this meaning)
((1) ‘Beneath’ has the same meaning as under, but it is better to use it for abstract meanings
.(Beneath) का अर्थ है नीचे लेकिन इसका Use ( abstract meanings) के लिए किया जाता है।
For preposition examples
. He would think it beneath him to do such a small work. (Unworthy / of him)
(D) Time and date
.(Use at, on, by, in) at dusk, at noon, at dawn, at midnight, at midday, at fourteen
(the age) at night, at six, at 7.30, in/on the morning/afternoon/evening/ night (of a certain date)
(the age) at night, at six, at 7.30, in/on the morning/afternoon/evening/
For example
We left on the evening of the sixth at 5.30 pm.
We left in the evening/afternoon.
(E) On time, in time, in good time (इन का प्रयोग समय के साथ होता है। )
We left in the evening/afternoon.
(E) On time, in time, in good time (इन का प्रयोग समय के साथ होता है। )
( a) ‘On time’ (at time arranged, neither before nor after) On time का मतलब है समय पर न समय से पाहिले और न बाद में नीचे उदाहरण देखे
For example
The train is running on time.
I reached examination hall on time
The train is running on time.
I reached examination hall on time
(b) In time
का मतलब देरी से नहीं समय से (not late)
He came here in time
I reached examination hall on time
F At the beginning/at the end, in the beginning,/in the end, at first, at last
(a) At the beginning of a book,there is a forward.
(b) At the end, there may be an index
(c) In the beginning/at first’ = In the early stage. It implies that later we had machines
. For example
In the beginning we used hand tools, later we had machines.
(d ) In the end/At last’ -eventually/after sometime.
For example
At first he opposed marriage, but in the end, he gave his consent
(e) use of:- in, on, at, the back of
(e) use of:- in, on, at, the back of
(i) What is there at the back of the table. ( behind)
(ii) There is a glossary at the back of the book.
(iii)There is a room on the back of the of the house. (back (ids part/and)
(iv) He was stabbed in the back.
(G) Use of by, before
By time/date (not later than)
By time/date (not later than)
Please be at home by 8:00p.m.
By the end of this year, my study will have finished.
By the end of this year, my study will have finished.
By का use passive voice में Agent (एजेंट) से पाहिले होता है।
Rules of Proposition
A preposition is usually placed before its object but sometimes it is placed after it in the following cases
preposition का प्रयोग ज्यादातर ऑब्जेक्ट से पहिले किया जाता है लेकिन कभी-कभी इसे उसके बाद निम्नलिखित मामलों में इस का स्थान बदल भी जाता है। नीचे दिए गए उदाहरण देखे।
(A) When the object in the interrogative pronoun is understood.
Rules of Proposition
A preposition is usually placed before its object but sometimes it is placed after it in the following cases
preposition का प्रयोग ज्यादातर ऑब्जेक्ट से पहिले किया जाता है लेकिन कभी-कभी इसे उसके बाद निम्नलिखित मामलों में इस का स्थान बदल भी जाता है। नीचे दिए गए उदाहरण देखे।
(A) When the object in the interrogative pronoun is understood.
For example
(i) To whom are you talking? (Incorrect)
(i) To whom are you talking? (Incorrect)
Who are you talking to? (Correct)
Whom are you talking to? (Correct)
(ii) About what are you talking? (Incorrect)
(ii) About what are you talking? (Incorrect)
What are you talking about? (Correct)
(iii) For what are you looking? (Incorrect)
What are you looking for? ( Correct)
(iv) For what are you waiting? (Incorrect)
What are you waiting for? (Correct)
(B) When the object of the preposition is a relative pronoun ‘that’.
For example '
This is the book for that I have been looking. (Incorrect)
(I) This is the book that I have been looking for.(correct)
This is the picture of that she always talks. (Incorrect)
(II) This is the picture that she always talks about. ( correct)
(C)When an infinitive qualifies a noun, the preposition should be placed after the
infinitive, if required'
For preposition examples:-
(i) It is not a safe place to live.
(ii) He gave me food to eat.
(iii) I gave her money to spend. (Correct)
Some important preposition use
1- 'At' is used for a steady state and for 'in' dynamic position.
'At' स्थिर अवस्था के लिए तथा 'In' गतिशील स्थिति हेतु प्रयोग होता है।
(a) She is at home (b) The train is in motion
2-Use of 'At' small places and ' In' big places
At का प्रयोग छोटे स्थानों हेतु In बड़े स्थानों के लिए प्रयोग होता है।
Exam. 1- I live at Sanjay Colony in Morena
2- The Kaknmath temple is situated at Sihoniya district Morena in M.P
3-'At' is used for point of time and 'In' is the period of time.
'At' Point of time हेतु तथा 'In' Period of time हेतु प्रयुक्त होता है।
(A) The train will arrive at 6 in the Morning.
(B) He will meet you in the morning
4- Use of In/Into
In का प्रयोग पूर्व में ही जब कोई बस्तु अंदर होती है , उस के लिए जबकि Into का प्रयोग गति
(movement) के लिए किया जाता है।
Example-: (a) There are three student in the class.
(b) He jumped into the river.
5- Use of To / Into both displays dynamic. According to the meaning of the sentence
is done. To mean the meaning को, and into means inside.
is done. To mean the meaning को, and into means inside.
Use of To/Into दोनों का प्रयोग गतिशील प्रदर्शित करता है। इनका प्रयोग वाक्य के अर्थ के अनुसार
किया जाता है। To का अर्थ को ,का ,की तथा Into का अर्थ अन्दर होता है।
Example -: (1) He went to market. (2)He jumped into the well
Use of On/To/Onto
Use of 'on' for Time Example
(1) He will come on Monday (2) Ram will go on 4th June
Use of To for Place Example
(1) He will go to market
(2) Ram will go to Delhi tomorrow.
On/onto : On का प्रयोग स्थिरता एवं गतिशीलता दोनों हेतु किया जा सकता है।
(1) Snow fell on the hills.
(2) He is sitting on his suitcase.
Onto is used primarily for movement when a change of level is expressed.
Onto का प्रयोग मुख्य रूप से गतिशीलता (movement) हेतु तब होता है जब level (तल ) का Change व्यक्त होता है। Example -:
(1) People climbed onto their roofs
(2) He lifted her onto the table
Use of With/By Use of With for Instrument. and use of By for an agent
With का प्रयोग Instrument हेतु और By का प्रयोग Agent (कर्ता ) हेतु किया जाता है।
Example -:
(1) The snake was killed by him with a stick
(2) The letter was written by Suresh with a pencil.
Use of Since/For/ From Science का प्रयोग Perfect Tense में होता है। For का प्रयोग Perfect Tense में भी 'समय की अवधि' के लिए होता है।Since का प्रयोग Point of time हेतु :
1- Since का प्रयोग:6 O'clock /Last night/Last Monday/ Morning /January 2004,5 etc
Since का प्रयोग only Perfect Tense में होता है।
2-For का प्रयोग अबधि हेतु: for two hours/for two days /for a long time / for some time
For प्रयोग प्रत्येक Tense में होता है। 3- From का प्रयोग 'समय से ' कार्य होने एवं स्थान के लिए भी होता है।
Some Example -:
1- He will go to college from next Monday
2- It has been raining since two o'clock
3- He worked for three hours
4- This book is useful for SSC competitive Exam. (के लिए के रूप में )
Use of During -: During का प्रयोग हिंदी वाक्यों में जब दौरान शब्द आये तब During का प्रयोग करे Example -: It rained all Sunday , but stopped during the night
Use of Beside / Besides:- Beside का अर्थ/ साथ में / बगल में /के रूप में होता है जबकि Besides का प्रयोग के अतिरिक्त के रूप में होता है। जैसे -:
1 She was sitting Beside Sarla.
2 He has a car Besides a motorcycle. (उस के पास मोटर साइकल के अतिरिक्त एक कार है।
Use of Between/ Among -: Between का प्रयोग दो के बीच में जबकि Among का प्रयोग दो से अधिक के बीच में के रूप में किया जाता है। जैसे :- 1 He distributed his property between his two sons.
2- He distributed his property among the poor.
Note-: Between का प्रयोग दो से अधिक के रूप में तब किया जा सकता है जब वे पास्पर आबद्ध (closely associated) हो। Example -: A treaty was signed between three-party
Use of Make of / Make from -: दोनों का प्रयोग material (सामग्री ) का बोध कराने के लिए होता है।
Make of का प्रयोग तब होता है जब वस्तु (सामग्री ) की अबस्था में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है
1- A notebook is made of paper.
2- A house made of bricks.
Make from -: का प्रयोग तब होता है जब सामग्री की अबस्था बदल जाती है
Example -: 1- Butter is made from milk
2- Paper is made from grass.
Use of In/With-:
Rule -: 1 जब Countable noun तब Instrument के लिए with का प्रयोग होता है
He writes with a pen. (Countable noun)
Rule -: 2 Uncountable noun के साथ In का प्रयोग होता है.
He is writing in ink (Uncountable noun)
With का प्रयोग कई अर्थो में होता है।
(1) साथ -साथ He is playing with his sister.
(2) कारण He is trembling with fear.
(3) संबंध I have no relation with her.
(4) तरीका He fought with determination. (Manner)
(5) सहमति I agree with you.
Use of Opposite/ In front of -: Opposite का प्रयोग बिपरीत एवं सामने दोनों अर्थो में होता है In front of का प्रयोग केवल सामने के लिए होता है
Example -: Ram and Shyam are having meal.Ram is sitting at one side of table and Shyam at the other site. तो हम कहेगे :
1- Ram is sitting opposite Shyam.
हम ये नहीं कहेगे कि Ram is sitting in front of Shyam (wrong)
Road के दोनों तरफ के मकानों के लिए भी Opposite का ही प्रयोग होगा।
In front of प्रयोग निम्न प्रकार किया जाता है :
(1) He parked the car in front of the hotel.
(2) He put the plates on the table in front of us.
Preposition + Gerund कुछ verbs एवं Adjectivesइस प्रकार के होते है जिन के साथ preposition के बाद हमेसा Gerund form का प्रयोग होता है। इस तरह की Verbs निम्न लिखित है।
abstain from,desirous of, pride in, afraid of angry about/at , bad at , debar from, proud of ,succeed in ,good at ,clever at, crazy about ,desist from , repent of, successful in, disqualified from , think of , bent on , dissuade (one) from , hopeful of , insist on , prevent from , fortunate in , meditate on ,refrain from , assist in , aim at , hinder (one) from, excel in , passion for , prohibit (one) from , negligent in , excuse for , despair of , percent in , tired of , confident of , percent in , worried about , fond of , famous for , excited about , gland about , keen on , interested in , disappointed about /at , fed up with , sick of , sorry about /for, happy about/at ,
NOTE: ऊपर दीगयी सूची के अनुसार जो Preposition प्रयुक्त हुए है उसे याद करे क्योकि यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। इन सभी के साथ Gerund का प्रयोग होता है।
Some use of prepositions following here :
1- They are afraid of losing the match.
2- Mohan is good at working in the garden
3 - This girl is crazy about playing tennis.
4 - Ramesh is keen on drawing
5 - She is used to smoking
Preposition Omitted
Here we will learn that the condition of the preposition is not used.
यहां हम सीखेंगे की preposition का प्रयोग किन परिस्थित में नहीं किया जाता है।
Rule 1- सामान्यतया Transitive verbs के साथ Preposition का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। इस तरह की verbs है :
Reach, Resist, Resemble, Afford, Accompany, Attack Assist, Pick, Pervade, Obey, Precede, Order, Combat, Benefit, Inform, Violate, etc.
Example :
1 He ordered for a cup of tea. (Incorrect)
He ordered a cup of tea. (correct)
2 - India attacked on Pakistan (Incorrect)
India attacked Pakistan (correct)
Rule 2
Words that express some time; such as Morning, Evening Day, Month, Week, Year
And so on.
And so on.
1 - She is going to Jaipur next morning.
2 - I met her last evening.
Rule 3 अन्यथा समय ब्यक्त करने वाले उक्त शब्दों के पूर्व Preposition आता है।
1- She went in the morning
2- I met her in the evening.
Rule -4 Home : Home के साथ जब गति(motion) व्यक्त करने वाली verbs जैसे : go,get इत्यादि का प्रयोग किया गया हो तो Home के साथ Prepositions का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
Example: 1- It took them three hours to get home
2- I went home by bus.
NOTE : यदि Home के तुरंत पूर्व किसी pharse?word का प्रयोग तो Priposition लगता है।
For preposition examples:
1- She returned her husband's home.
2- I went to his home
Rule 5: Home के साथ at का प्रयोग भी किया जाता है।
Example: 1- You can do this work at home.
2 - We can stay at home.
Preposition Text series Second
We are started Test Series For competition Exam.This is the second test. You can check your ability.
- His professional ability proves that he is cut .........for this job.
- You can not expect respect from him because he is lost .......sense of shame.
- The history of hindu religion dates........ancient times.
- You have not to get up because book is lying ..........hand.
- Now government servant have the day...............every sunday.
- After all hard work has come to tell...............your health.
- The government acted judiciously to stave........the crisis.
- On seeing a thief he at once reached ........... his pistol in his pocket.
- Dishonesty is always detrimental..............progress in life.
- He made insulting remarks that are derogatory............his reputation.