Types of Modals Auxiliary verbs in English Grammar

What are Modal Auxiliary verbs?

Modals, Auxiliary verbs are these verbs, that express the position or the motivation of a person. the object. All these verbs are called Modals, Auxiliary verbs. They are used as a help verbs with the main verb. The number of the person and subject do not affect these modal auxiliary verbs. A verb used to express the mood (mode) or attitude of the speaker is called modal auxiliary verbs.these are can, could, may, might, ought, to have to, Had to, able to, will, would, shall, should. used to, must, dare and need are semi-models in British English etc.
हिंदी में ;
Modals, Auxiliary verbs ये क्रियाएं हैं, जो एक व्यक्ति की स्थिति या प्रेरणा व्यक्त करते हैं। उदेश्य। इन सभी क्रियाओं को Modals, Auxiliary verbs कहा जाता है। वे मुख्य क्रिया के साथ सहायता क्रियाओं के रूप में उपयोग किए जाते हैं . व्यक्ति और विषय की संख्या इनModals, Auxiliary verbs को प्रभावित नहीं करत है। 

modals Auxiliary verbs
modals Auxiliary verbs

Types of Modals, Auxiliary verbs
 Modals Helping verbs list; Can,  Could, May, Might, will, would shall, should, must, ought to, use to need, dare, Have to, had to, will/shall have to
   How to use of CANCOULD

         We use "CAN‘ for all persons in the present tense.
         We use ‘COULD‘ for all persons in the past tense.

           CAN is used to show: 

         Rule1. Subject +can +verb Ist form +object + other

1.  For Ability in the Present.
        Ex. She can speak good English
          I can lift fifty k.g weight.
2. For Request
          Ex.  Can I borrow your pen?
3. For Possibility 
        Ex. Anyone can make mistakes.
4. Offer
Ex. Can l get you some things?
5. Permission,
       Ex. You can use my telephone.

COULD is used to express


        Rule1. Subject +could +verb Ist form +object + other


                        Subject +could not +verb Ist form +object + other

                     Could + Subject + verb +object +other?

1. possibility in the past
        Ex.  She could be at home.
 2.Ability in the past
Ex. She could swim when she was younger.
  3.polite request
Ex. Could you lend me some money, please?
4.Permission in the past.
Ex. In those days you could drive without a licence
5.Possibility in the past
Ex. At that time you could live like a king on hundred rupees a day.

  सरल भाषा में Preposition सीखने के लिए 

Note Some other use in place of Can and Could.
1. We can use ( Able to ) in place of "Can"Present tense and "Could" Past tense.
Ability ( Present, Past and Future)
Ex. She can write English well. ( Can)
       She is able to write English well. ( Present tense )
      Ramesh could play at cards. ( Could)
       Ramesh was able to play cards.( Past tense )
     Mahesh will be able to help me ( will be able to used in place on a "can" in Future tense )

 With able to  (present, past, Future)

 Subject +is,are,am +able to+verb Ist form +object + other

         Subject +was,were +able to+verb Ist form +object + other

         Subject +will +able to+verb Ist form +object + other

 Modals examples with Exercise

Fill in the blanks with can or could.
1 When I was at school I............ never understand physics.
2 Take an umbrella here, It....rain at any time.
3. They said they..........deliver it next week but I told them not to.
4. They say they ...... deliver next week.

   How to use of  MAY/MIGHT

We use may for all the persons in the present and the future tense.
 May is used to expressing '
 l. possibility
 Ex. There are clouds in the sky, it may rain today.
 2. request for permission 
 Ex. May I come in?
 3. wish or blessing.
Ex . May you live long!
 4. purpose 
Ex. He works hard so that he may pass.
 5. permission
Ex. Visitors may enter the museum from 9.00 to 5. 00 each day

MIGHT is used to express
1. possibility 

Ex Ruby might be m her office  ( May is also possible here.)
 2. permission in the past/present.
Ex. (a) She said that I might borrow her car. “
       (b) Might I use your car? (A polite form)
3. possibility 1n the past.
Ex I thought he might like it.
  How to use of  WILL

We use "will" with a second and third person to express.
1. Request
Ex. Will you please lend me some m ney?

‘2. Invitation
Ex. Will you care for a cup of coffee‘?

3 Command  or order
Ex. All New students will report medical check-up.

When We use "will" as a Model Helping Verbs with the first person to express.
1. willingness or offer
Ex. He’s next door, just a minute, and I’ ll get him for you.
2. intention or promise,
Ex. I’ll go there and see her. ..~
3. threat
Ex. I’ll kill you.
4. determination
Ex. I’ ll lay down my life for my country.

WOULD is used to express

I. polite request
Ex. Would you spare some time for me? ”
2. offer or invitation
e.g Would you like some coffee?
Would you like to 10m us?
3. refusal

Ex. My car wouldn’t start this morning.

4.  Habitual or customary activity in the past.
Ex. He Would Sit here and watch TV all day. I don’ t like it

5. as past tense of will

Ex. She said she would go.

How to use of SHALL

We use shall with the first person to Express

1. Intention or plan of the speaker

Ex. I shall go to Mumbai via Dahod.

2. Offer  or suggestion

Ex. Shall I Open the window?
     Shall we see him in the evening?

Note When we use shall second and third persons to express

 1. Command or order

Ex. You shall remain here till I come back.

2. Threat
Ex. You shall be punished for misdeeds.

3. Promise
Ex. You shall get a nice gift from me.


Should is used to express

1. Duty or obligation
Ex.The boys should be at school at this time.

2. To give or take an advice
Ex. You look unwell, you should see a doctor.

3. To say what the speaker expects or to say something is not right.

Ex. I wonder where Farhcen is-she should be here by now.

The price Printed on this packet is wrong. It should be Rs 150/not Rs 200/-


Must is used

1. To convey the idea of necessity

Ex. I must finish this before 12:00.

 Note: In such type of setthcies “must” indicates personal obligation. The speaker

thinks he himself or other people must do.

 2 to express strong advice or invitation
Ex. You must go and see the film. It is brilliant.
You must come and see me next time you are in town.

3 to express certainty.
Ex. ‘ They must be in Ratlam by now.

4 to express prohibition or negative command (must not)

Ex.  You must not smoke here.


A. To Denote Habitual Action or the past Routine of the Subject.

 1.  He used to go to Delh1 by car.
 2.  He used to drink daily
3.   Ramesh is used to going for walk.

When USED TO  uses in Negative and Interrogative

1. I used not to smoke daily. (OR)
    I did not used to smoke earlier.?
2. He used to play chess at college.
    He did not used to play chess at college
    Used he to play chess college?
    Did he use to play chess college?

 For making negative of such sentence we can use either Used not to or did not use to.
In interrogative sentences we can use either/ Used +subject+ to or/ Did +subject +use +to

B. To Denote Discontinued Action

(i) He used to play hockey.
(ii) She used to work in the office before marriage.

C. ‘Used to’ is also used as an adjective (be used to) It is equal to ‘accustomed to’ as
(i) He is used to getting up early.
(ii) I was used to driving through crowded streets.
(iii) He will be used to taking dinner early.
(iv) We are used to hot noons in the plains.

Ought to It expresses

(A) Duty or Moral Obligation It is normally used for 'should and must ' when there is a strong sense of normal-duty, advice or indication of correct action.

1.  You ought to serve your motherland
2. You ought not to take fatty food '
3. He ought to have been present at the wedding of his friend.
4. He ought not to have smoked in the bus

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